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Easy. Effective. Excellent - The most important thing to know about Typesy Homeschool is that it really works. That's because it includes a comprehensive curriculum based on the science of muscle memory and repetition.
Be The Teacher of Your Homeschool Class - Typesy Homeschool gives parents complete visibility and easy control - you are the teacher of your own mini homeschool class. You control every aspect of your child's learning, assignment and assessment.
A Rich Experience for Better Learning Outcomes- Built on the latest cloud/app technologies from Microsoft and Google, there are no more slow-loading web pages, distracting ads, or confusing browser errors.
Fun. Engaging. Motivating. - Typesy's game-like experience offers rewards and game status for achieving typing goals. Kids can build their avatars, collect points, and play games - all while they learn to type like a pro.
Typesy Works On More Devices - Typesy stores everything in the cloud and all your computers automatically stay in sync. You get unlimited installs on all your Windows, Mac, iPad & Chomebook devices.
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