This product is non-returnable and non-refundable.
Note: Currently, this item is available only to customers located in the United States.
Download size: 5.8 MB
Download time: 0 seconds on broadband, 14 minutes, 8 seconds on dial-up
NEW FEATURES: Variable Outline tool, Scaling tools, Multipage view,
Pages, and Export enhancements, a reimagined image adjustments workflow,
additional templates, new file support, and more
ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY: Accredited schools, faculties, full or part-time
students, non-profit charitable and religious organizations; not for
commercial use. See full list under Product Description
PROFESSIONAL GRAPHICS SUITE: Software includes graphic applications for
vector illustration, layout, photo editing, font management, & more
—specifically designed for your platform of choice
DESIGN COMPLEX WORKS OF ART: Add creative effects, and lay out
brochures, multi-page documents, and more with an expansive toolbox
imperfections, improve image quality with AI, and create HDR photos from
RAW images
DESIGN FOR PRINT OR WEB: Experience flawless publishing and output
thanks to accurate color consistency, advanced printing options, and a
collection of web graphics tools and presets
EXTENSIVE FILE SUPPORT: Enjoy support for popular graphics, publishing,
and image formats including AI, PSD, PDF, JPG, PNG, SVG, DWG, DXF, EPS,
TIFF, HEIF, WebP, and many more
Merchant registration agreement: If an order is processed for more than 24 hours after registering a store, the store's reputation will be downgraded.
If an order is processed for an extended period of time just after registering a store, it will be directly excluded from the cross-border e-commerce industry